Striped and Orbed Cadent

Well, I’m late getting this post up because I was very tired after getting back home from my nephew’s wedding and just didn’t get my tile drawn until this morning.

I also have to admit that I almost ditched this prompt from Today’s Tangles: Keeping it Classic, #TTKICPROMPT121619, because it started out really badly. I actually started it twice because I was using the Micron PN pen and it just wasn’t working for me. It was all scratchy and not a pleasant experience at the time.

This one was actually the second try, where I’d flipped the tile over and started again. Ugh!

The lines were so scratchy, so I got out my graphic liner and tried to make the lines better and hated it. So I put it up and got out the standard 01 Micron and started over again. I did not hold much hope for this prompt, which was based on the Project Pack 07 Day 8, because I was off to such a rough start all three times.

I decided that my filler was going to be simple orbs and striping. Again, not holding much hope for this tile because my orbs were not smooth, at all!

Here is my tile after I finished tangling.

Here is a picture I took of it before I actually had any sunlight. ;)

Oh yeah, it looks so much better at an angle but still very choppy.

But the miracle of shading . . . here is the scanned tile after shading.

But look at the photos of it shaded!

And then I noticed that the sun was shining nicely, so I took it outside and got a shot or two. ;)

So this just proves that you shouldn’t give up on a tile, even when it isn’t looking like it is going to be any good at all. ;) I think it turned out quite nicely. I also liked that I shaded it as sections rather than individual orbs and boxes. :)

I also think that adding a bit of shading on the outside added some nice depth.

Well, I hope you have a great week before Christmas and take some time to de-stress with some tangling. :)

Until next time,

Michele ºÜº

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