Giving and Requesting Help

Lori Byerly shared some good thoughts about requesting help from your spouse, but it can certainly be applied to any situation in which you need to request help. I think her suggestions are very helpful and will attempt to put it into practice.

One thing I’ll add is that sometimes I need to remind my hubby to do a task. He gets so busy and it is easy for things to slip the mind–I know it happens to me too. ;) But when I need to remind him of something, I try not to do it very close together. I try to let an appropriate amount of time, days or even weeks, if possible, pass before reminding him about the thing that I’ve requested.

This is one reason why her suggestion about giving a time frame was such a good idea to me. So many times we ask for something to be done and we really want it done right now but he cannot stop what he is doing and do said thing immediately. Here again, it is a lack of communication but Lori’s ideas help communicate better.

The last thing that really stuck out to me from her post was to model what you would like to receive. Put another way, practice what you preach. ;) This is true in raising children as well; if you want to have children that read, don’t expect them to pick up a book if you don’t. But that’s a topic for Thursdays. :D

I hope you’ll hop on over to Lori’s site and read the thoughtful post there. It’s a quick read. Also, please comment below if you already follow or subscribe to Lori’s posts (either on her blog or facebook). I know I refer to her a lot because she is such a great resource and super encourager but don’t really want to just be a repeat in your life.

I’ll run for now,

Michele ºÜº


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