Crazy Huggins with Knightsbridge

This week I did the prompt from Today’s Tangles: Keeping it Classic (#TTKICPrompt090219) which was to use Crazy Huggins as the string.

I started to think about how I would fill Huggins. I considered just some lines and then maybe making it Striping. Then I considered Shattuck and maybe some Tipple. Then I thought maybe I’d use some Nipa or Stricles because I like both of those tangles and haven’t used them much.

I have never tangled Crazy Huggins before so I watched the video from Zentangle Project Pack #1. Molly did an excellent job explaining how to tangle Crazy Huggins. I really enjoyed it and had no trouble tangling it. :) I even drew the orbs in varying sizes like she did in the video but tried to get a little different outcome. Of course she was using white on black and I used black on white, so it looks majorly different. ;)

I ended up using Knightsbridge in all the horizontal Huggins. I had one wonky Huggins and it kind of messed up the flow but it is what it is. After filling in the horizontal pieces I wasn’t sure what to do with the others but felt that the drama of all those black squares needed something light and ended up just doing some shading on the vertical Huggins.

I grabbed my camera and attempted to get a decent shot of the tile before I did too much blackening of those squares. Because of the angles, I couldn’t see in the viewfinder while taking the shot, so this is the best of about eight that I took. This is the best I have as a before shading shot, as I think the blackened squares of Knightsbridge is like shading.

I use dots to help me get the checkerboard right (and still I managed to mess up in one place ;) ).

Here is the scan of the tile after filling the Knightsbridge squares. OH! I didn’t have an 005 micron pen, so I went back over all the Crazy Huggins lines to make them thicker/bolder so that the filler lines would have a variation in size. I guess I could have used a thicker nibbed pen for Crazy Huggins but I didn’t . ;)

Here’s the picture taken in natural light.

It kind of looks like mushrooms. :D I should probably also mention that I decided to add an aura around the outer lines. Then I decided to thicken that line considerably.

For shading I opted to use my standard pencil under all the “c” shapes. Here is the scan of the finished tile.

Here is the picture in natural light.

I may try it again and use other filler tangles but not today. :D

Until next time,

Michele ºÜº

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