
Thanksgiving and Big Stuff ~ Lifeofjoy.meMy daughter Tiffany’s Christmas book has been published! It is a murder mystery surrounded by the fun and festivities of the Christmas holiday and a budding romance. Get it on Amazon

It’s hard to keep your priorities straight during the holidays. There are so many things to pull you in different directions. It is important to keep the lines of communication open, not only with your spouse but also in prayer with God.

By keeping your time with God a priority, it helps you keep the rest of your priorities and commitments in line. After all, He is the reason for the season. For me it starts with being thankful to Him for all His blessings on Thanksgiving and just continues on through to the New Year. We don’t stop there though; we spend the next several weeks seeking His direction for how we should proceed through the year.

In all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, don’t forget that Jesus is the cornerstone of our lives. Don’t squeeze all those extra things in by squeezing out of your time with Him.

Commitment ~ Lifeofjoy.meYou may be wondering what all this has to do with marriage, after all, this is the day that I talk about things concerning marriage here on the blog. Well, it is simple; keeping God at the focal point of your life, keeps your attitude and priorities right, which will aid in keeping your attitudes and priorities concerning marriage and family right. As you spend time with God, lift up your spouse and family to Him and ask Him how you can show His love to them each day. (This is something new I am incorporating into my devotional time in the mornings but just makes so much sense that I wonder why I haven’t done it before.) Consider asking Him to help you be even more loving, that is showing/expressing your love to your dear ones. By keeping our commitment with our Father in heaven strong, our commitment to those around us is strengthened and we walk in more peace.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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