Asking for Help

Headache ~ Lifeofjoy.meI woke up at 12:30 am Sunday morning, a mere two hours after going to bed, with a pounding headache and alone in the bed. I have been snoring rather badly of late and Mike has resorted to sleeping on the sofa when the snoring keeps him from falling back to sleep. Anyway, I went to the restroom and as I headed back to bed the pain had just intensified so badly that I knew it wasn’t going to go away by itself, so I went in the other room to get some medication.

By the time I got the meds, the pain was so intense I started crying. I went over to my hubby, asleep on the sofa, and told him my head hurt, through tears. He quickly awoke. Prayed for me and began to try and help ease the pain. I sat on the sofa and he rubbed my head and neck and applied cold compresses.

He was so sweet! I must’ve sat there for 30-45 minutes. Eventually we went back to bed and he continued to rub my head and pray for me. (I truly have a jewel!) At one point the headache had gotten so bad I was afraid I’d vomit, so I asked him to empty the trash can. He did so, brought it near me, and stood in front of me, continuing to rub my head as I sat on the edge of the bed hoping I wouldn’t have to use that trashcan he brought. He must’ve stood there 15-20 minutes.

My stomach had finally calmed down long enough that I felt able to lay back down. That sweetie of mine laid down behind me and rubbed my arm, back, and neck ever so gently. That touch elsewhere somehow helped to relieve some of the head pressure. I eventually fell asleep. I wish I could say that the headache went away but alas, it did not, but it did lessen. When I awoke, he was back on the sofa. I know he did not get much sleep that night.

I’m usually a very independent person. I am also pretty strong and rarely cry. Thankfully, I am also a generally healthy person. It is hard for me to ask for help. I’m so glad I overcame the urge to handle the situation all on my own because Mike was a huge blessing to me in getting through the pain. I would not have used a cold compress on my head or an ice pack on my neck and surprisingly, they both helped very much.

I guess the point of all of this is to say, don’t be afraid to let your beloved know what you are going through. He may have an approach to the situation that you haven’t thought of and it may work better than the approach you would have taken on your own.

Until next time, God bless,
Michele ºÜº

2 thoughts on “Asking for Help

  1. So sorry you had such a rough night, Sis ! So sweet of Big D to take care of you so lovingly :) I pray that you are having a healthy, painless week! :)

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