A Jumping-Off Point Into Learning

Doctor Who ~ Lifeofjoy.meThere is a fun group on facebook, Traveling Through History with Doctor Who. From what I understand Doctor Who was originally written and intended as an educational show.

If you or your child are a fan of science fiction and or the Doctor Who show, you might look into it. It was originally written and aired from 1963 to 1989 and had 8 people that played the role of doctor throughout those years. In 2005 they started the series back up again and it is still airing new episodes.

One of the episodes had The Doctor visiting with Vincent van Gogh. It was through this episode that Tiffany became acquainted with his paintings. It sparked an interest in her that continues to this day. That is a good thing, in my opinion.

I believe the creator of the facebook group is a teacher that created a series of lessons that used different episodes of Doctor Who as a jumping off point for study of some of the different historical happenings and is a semester long. I do believe there are more lessons in the making.

You can use anything your child is interested in as a jumping off point to further study. When your child is younger you could use The Magic School Bus for science study or Magic Tree House for social studies and such. Really, any series your child is interested in can probably or may have already been turned into a unit study of sorts.

If your child is interested in a particular series and you would like some help finding some study resources, comment here and I’ll see what I can do to help.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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