Still Waiting, Walking with God, and Chronological B90

Still Waiting, Walking with God, and Chronological B90 ~ Lifeofjoy.meWell, as of yesterday afternoon when I wrote this, Liam has still not decided to leave the warm comfortable confines of his mother. I am ever at the ready to depart and await his arrival at the hospital. Consequently I have no pictures of my first grandson YET. ;)


I am ever learning to wait on and co-labor with the Holy Spirit. I have had some good days in this regard and some bad days, this week. Thankfully, I’ve had a couple of good days in the same week. :) This is progress.

This may be a new concept to some of you. Basically, it means that I am praying throughout my day and doing the things I feel that God is leading me to do rather than planning my day myself and doing things I think need done and when I feel like doing them. Some people will probably think this is weird but it is a level of relationship with God that some attain. It is basically communing with God all day long. Many ministers have done so in the past and it is attainable to anyone, not just preachers, evangelists, or pastors, although many pastors want you to think that you cannot hear God for yourself and that you must rely on them to tell you what God is saying, or what scripture means . . . but that is just not the case. If you pray in the spirit and read the Bible, the Holy Spirit will reveal its meaning to you.

Any way, it is a good practice to commune with God on a continual basis. In First Thessalonians 5:17 it says “Pray without ceasing.” I think this simply means to keep an open dialog with God throughout the day.

I’ve heard it reported that Smith Wigglesworth, a man of great faith and renowned for many people being healed and even raised from the dead, that he never prayed longer than thirty minutes at a time but never went longer than thirty minutes without praying. Now, I’ve heard this several different ways, so I’d have to do some more research to find out how true it is but it is a good thought, even if it isn’t accurate.

Still Waiting, Walking with God, and Chronological B90Last Monday, the 18th of July, I started a Bible reading challenge. Well, I don’t know that it is technically a “challenge” but it is definitely challenging. The goal is to read the entire Bible in ninety days. The twist with this plan is that it is read chronologically.

I’ve wanted to read the Bible chronologically for quite some time now, so when I saw this group that was following this plan, I knew I had to join. It is always easier when others are doing it too. Plus the group leader is taking the time to pray for each participant daily. Wow! What a blessing!

When I heard that, I decided I needed to pray for her as well. :) I’m haven’t been nearly as diligent as she is but I have remembered several times this week.

Well, that’s enough rambling for today.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº


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