Using a Menu Planner

Last week Tiffany and I brainstormed and created a menu complete with even snacks and desserts. We were not slaves to it but it sure did help us.

I got my menu planner from Judy at Wonderfully Made and Dearly Loved.

Menu Planning ~ Lifeofjoy.meI go grocery shopping mid-week, so I put a squiggle down the page where I separate my grocery week. On this particular week we shopped on Thursday but had planned to shop on Wednesday, thus the two squiggles. ;)

On my menu I just use a colored highlighter to box in the first snack but we eat it for our afternoon snack (we don’t eat early enough to have a morning snack). The second snack spot has been relabeled as Dessert because in this house, dessert is required every evening, even if it is just simply kefir.

There are a few constants on our weekly menu:

  1. Some kind of pancakes or waffles or such delectable food for Saturday morning breakfast.
  2. Pizza or pizza-esque meal on either Friday or Saturday night
  3. Frozen dessert at least once per week (more in the warmer/hot months)
  4. Some Fuel Pulls because I am a “Turtle Loser.”
  5. Eggs because I love them many different ways
  6. Oatmeal because that is an E breakfast and I must keep things juggled. ;)

As I’ve stated before, the menu is a tool for me to use. It is nice to already have a plan for breakfast and just check the list. Now sometimes we don’t feel like having said item so we change it up. That happened yesterday for lunch; we didn’t feel like having soup and wanted Tummy Tucking Ice Cream and added a sandwich on WWBB and leftover gluccie noodles.

Over the weekend we didn’t feel like making Big Secret Big Boys and opted for Fat-Stripping Frappes instead (both from the THM Cookbook). I had originally planned to have Balsamic Chicken with caulirice last night to have a complete Fuel Pull day but that would have required purchasing more chicken breasts and I already had cooked carnita meat in the freezer, so it made financial sense to change it up, so I did.

So I think you can see how the menu works for me. I look at the sale papers to see what veggies and meats are on sale and check what I have on hand and make the menu from there with the above six items in mind.

I hope this look at one of my weekly menus is helpful to you.

Until next time, God bless,

 Michele ºÜº

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