Tag Archives: handwriting


Handwriting/Copywork ~ Lifeofjoy.meI know I’ve written about copywork before but I recently came across an article, in the new IEW catalog, entitled “Low-Tech Teaching with High-End Results.” In it there were a couple of comments that struck a chord with me.

  • Writing on paper stimulates the brain differently than typing
  • Cursive writing offers significant neurological benefits over printing on paper.
  • People recall content better when taking notes on paper rather than typing

It was a good article which reminded me of another one I read where it reported that billionaire elites limit their children’s use of technology. (I wrote about it here.)

In light of all this, I recently found some handwriting calendars that has scripture verses for every day of the month. The cool thing is that the one from SweetBlessings is written for we adults and has a shorter amount to write for the younger ones, at least for some of the months. She even has a Spanish version, if desired. She has two version, one is topical and the other is not. I’ve downloaded mine. (Once you click on the word HERE on her page, it will open up a a google drive page, just click on whichever month or topic you want/need and download or print.)

I’m starting to be interested in lettering. I’m not sure what the difference is between lettering and calligraphy is though. I can anticipate using the calendars to practice lettering. God has me doing such different things, outside of my comfort zone, lately.

There is another, from My  Joy-Filled Life, which has a single verse every day all on one topic, different each month. It is a free download but you have to subscribe to her newsletter, but she does not overwhelm you with emails. I subscribed some time ago; if you have, you still fill in your name and email and press download, then a link will be sent to your email. Her copywork printable also has some cute writing pages you can print for your children to use.

The end of the article in the IEW has a link to a podcast. I haven’t listened to it yet, but I’ll include the link in case it is helpful to you.  Paper and Pen

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº