Football, Birthday, Hair Cut, and the Dentist

Football, Birthday, Etc. ~ Lifeofjoy.meThis weekend is the Super Bowl. I’m not really a huge football fan but I do enjoy our traditions surrounding it. Mom makes homemade pizza. We will bring our toppings and help Mom make them. She makes quite a few and we all have leftovers to take home.

I like to watch the commercials during the Super Bowl too. In the past, we have played Couch Potato during the commercials and other years we just enjoyed them, even though sometimes they aren’t that great.

This year we will celebrate Lauren’s birthday that day as well, since her birthday is the following week. Mom is making the Strawberry Poke Cake that I made for her here last year. Brian wanted her to request No-Bake Strawberry Cheesecake but she wouldn’t unless she could have her poke cake too . . . Grandma to the rescue. :) We won’t celebrate her birthday here until next Friday.

On another note, I definitely have to get my hair cut this weekend. The last girl who cut it made it too boxy for my liking and as it has grown out it’s looking pretty bad. I don’t like to get my hair done; I never know how to explain what I want. I go to one of those discount places and don’t get the same beautician each time.

I had to have a root canal this week. I have a difficult time with pain killers, in that it takes a lot of medication to work on me. Then it wears off quickly. People don’t usually believe me but my dentist and his assistant do now. ;) It was already wearing off before I left the office. By the time I was nearly home I was clenching the steering wheel so hard my hands were hurting. I was extremely relieved to get home and take some pain killers and was even happier when they kicked in and actually started relieving pain. It’s not been too bad today, easily relieved with over the counter medications.

Well, I think that is all I have this week. I hope you have a good weekend.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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