Diva Challenge #250

iamthedivacztThis week’s Diva Challenge, which you can view by clicking on the Diva Challenge graphic to the right, is to go back to the basics. Use a white 3.5″ x 3.5″ tile with a black pen and regular pencil and tangle away.

Well, I do much better when I’m given specific tangles to use because I can focus a bit better. Open ended like this, I tend to procrastinate because of so many choices available.

Well, I did just that and waited until the last moment to begin my tile and still have this ready to post on time. Alright, maybe not the LAST moment but definitely later rather than earlier. ;)

I finally just grabbed my tile and a pencil and started with the comfort of the dots in each corner, then the border lines connecting the dots. I started my line in the upper left corner and went to the upper right corner, down to the lower right corner and from there I drew continued my line up and made the string. Then I lifted my pencil back up to the upper left corner and drew the final connecting line downwards.

Then I stared at it trying to decide what tangle to use and what portion of the tile to tangle and what not to tangle. I love ‘Nzepple and thought about using that but had settled on jetties. I redrew the ‘circle’ section of the string, making it larger and I was going for rounder but I did not succeed. I then started drawing the lines on the orb without looking over jetties to be sure I was doing it correctly. Turns out I did not. So I turned it into a purk-ish section instead.

I had just perused the submissions for It’s a String Thing and saw 4Fun for the first time. I decided that it would fit well in the section under my purk. Then came the debate about whether or not to tangle the background, blacken it, or do some serious shading. I have loved MacDee ever since I was introduced to it on a diva UMT challenge. I think it is a great background and I haven’t used it in a long time, so that is what I chose to use.

DC#250 ~ Lifeofjoy.meThe one thing I forget to do with MacDee is to use a 005 micron for the tiny triple lines.

Thanks for reading! I appreciate your comments.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

4 thoughts on “Diva Challenge #250

  1. The Purk “egg” really floats over the background, very nice shading to get that effect. If I have trouble picking patterns, no, not if, when i have trouble deciding on patterns, I sometimes choose a letter of the alphabet them head over to tanglepatterns.com and choose from there. OR, there’s a pattern randomiser on the left hand side of the home page that works too.

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