
Busy week with the conference this week. And of course, I took NO, as in ZERO, pictures. I made Egg “Muffins” this year. Although I have made them for the young adult conference before, I have never been able to make them for the October conference before.

I made about four dozen of them each day. Well, actually I mixed it all up in the afternoon and the next morning the early crew baked them. People really seemed to love them. I did not add any cheese to them and I did not really miss it. I’ve been trying to cut back on the dairy a bit, so as to possibly get the scales moving in the right direction again.

I made a little over a dozen with just sausage (bacon bits on two days). Then I made a little over a dozen with meat and sauteed veggies (onions, red bell pepper, green bell pepper, and mushrooms). And finally, I made a little over a dozen with just the veggies. The were taken nearly as quickly as they were put out, so I guess that means they were pretty good. ;)

One day this week Gwin and I went to the spinal hospital nearby for bacon cheeseburgers (minus the bun) and salad. Then another day I was blessed to go with a large group of people to Cracker Barrel. I like to get their country house salad. Usually I get it without croutons and onions and add a side of broccoli but this week I got the sweet potato with it. It may have ended up being a slight crossover on the Trim Healthy Mama eating plan but I only put a small drizzle of oil on the salad and no butter on the sweet potato.

My friend Gwin was also in this group. She’s actually the one that took this picture and was a dear and sent it to me so I could share with you. :)

Lunch ~’s me! Different hair style.)

It is nice to go with a group of people but then I usually get lost between the conversations. I’m nosey and have a hard time not attempting to listen to several conversations at once. There were some people there I’d have like to have gotten to know a bit better but it’s okay, I was able to chat with a lovely lady and her young daughter, as well as Gwin and a couple more ladies.

Speaking of hairstyle, Tiffany hasn’t felt good this week, so she has not gone to the conference, well except for one service on Wednesday. But since she hasn’t been feeling good, I’ve had to do my own hair. Bad thing is that I hadn’t even attempted to do anything with it . . . she’s been the one figuring it all out the last several weeks and now I had to figure it out . . . it’s been passable. ;)

Then one day Michael got rained out of work, so he came to church and thus to lunch with us. We went back to the spinal hospital because it is very reasonably priced when Gwin pays. We figured out that she must get a discount because ours was a bit more. BUT the chicken special is really good!

Come to think of it, Gwin and I have had lunch together every day of the conference! :) On the other day we went to lunch, Michael got rained out again, so he was with me and invited another gentleman at the conference to join us, as well as Gwin. We went to Jason’s Deli. I like that restaurant because they have a good salad bar and have olive oil right there for dressing.

You might wonder why Gwin and I ate lunch with each other so much this week. You see, she helped me in the kitchen. She filled in where my family left me stranded was unable to do what they normally do. ;) I’ve said before that Michael is my right arm and Tiffany is my left arm. Well, this week, when I had neither of them, I had Gwin. :) I joked with her and said she was a great prosthetic arm. Thankfully, Michael was there a couple of days and able to lift the heavy stuff and help wash up dishes. :)

Today is the last day. Actually it is only a half day. Who knows, I may grab a few pictures to share next week. But if you’ve been around here for any length of time, you probably doubt that I’ll actually get that done. ;) We are going to be quite busy because we’ll actually put everything away as we close down the room after breakfast today.

It’s been a good week. I’ve gotten to know some new people and Gwin and I have been able to spend a lot of time together, which we haven’t done in a while. We’ve had some great services, worship, and speakers.Conference ~

On the way home yesterday, I stopped and said hi to my kitchen mentor, as this is the week of their “conference” too. It was nice to catch up with her and find out how things are going. She’s taught me so much!!!

Well, I better run. I’m supposed to even pick up groceries on my way home later. I hope I’ll get my act together enough to do so.

Well, Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº


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