Thanksgiving ~

A Day of Rest (Mostly)

It’s lazy Friday for me and mine today. I know a lot of people are out and about, hustling and bustling, doing a lot of shopping. I’ve only done that a couple times in my life. Most of the time I just enjoy being at home and relaxing.

I’m not sure what I will do today other than edit the vlog to post on Joyous Jabbers tomorrow and read a book. I may do a painting and I will probably go for a walk at some point, because I *need* to do that for my health. But other than that, it’s going to be a very chill day. :)

I enjoyed being with family yesterday. Liam banged on the piano for a minute so my mom came and played some Christmas carols. It was fun to sing together. We played Quiplash again yesterday too. I even walked the long driveway a few times with my daughter-in-love, Lauren, even though it was quite chilly out. We had a nice chat as we walked. I’d have walked a few more times but it was quite chilly and my boots weren’t exactly walking boots. :D

It was a good but tiring day, so I’ll keep this short and have some pictures to share next week. I hope you are having a great holiday weekend!

Until next time,

Michele ºÜº

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