Monthly Archives: September 2017

Dog Sitting and Conference Prep

It’s been a different kind of busy week this week. My sister and her family, as well as our parents are on vacation this week. They asked Sean to dogsit. Since they’ve moved closer to where we live, he opted to just go over in the morning, then for a few hours each evening and then come back home to sleep. They are social dogs and need human interaction.

Dog sitting ~ Lifeofjoy.meMichael went over with him last weekend. While they were gone, I decided that I could go over in the mornings, after my breakfast, and deal with them and stay for a few hours. I’m not really an animal person but . . . they are good dogs.

They definitely know the sounds of a camera.

Dog sitting ~ Lifeofjoy.meThankfully Tiffany has gone with me. She IS an animal person. :) I get my Bible reading done while we are there.

First we let Kipper out of her enclosed area and let her and Belle outside. Then we put them up so that we can let my parents’ dog, Hutch out. Although Belle and Hutch are liter mates, they need to be separated.

Hutch's Turn ~ Lifeofjoy.meWe give Hutch some people time. Let him out and give him treats.

People time for Hutch ~ Lifeofjoy.meKip and Belle get some lovin’ too, even while being penned up. :)

Dogs ~ Lifeofjoy.meI’m not sure which one this is . . . Hutch or Belle.

Comfy ~ Lifeofjoy.meAfter a bit, we put Hutch back in his area and let Belle and Kipper back out for their people time.

Belle the Ham ~ Lifeofjoy.meShe usually ends up at my feet under the table.

Belle at my feet ~ Lifeofjoy.meBefore we leave, we try to run them around a bit, since we know Macie usually runs around with them.

Play Time ~ Play Time ~ Lifeofjoy.meI usually throw Belle’s toy for a bit. She plays fetch. I’m not used to large dogs, so this week has been an experience for me. ;) They are all lovable though.

I’ve also been trying to keep my sister’s mums alive.

Mums ~ Lifeofjoy.meThe good thing about mums is that once they are planted, they will come back. Mine have multiplied. They bloom in the spring and generally die off during the heat of the summer but bloom again when the temperature drops out of the 90’s. :)

Mums ~ Lifeofjoy.meThose are my mums on the back right. I started with two pots of brown mums a few years ago and it has multiplied that much. I hope to get a better picture soon, minus the weeds.

It’s been a bit cooler! Hallelujah! It feels like fall. I am glad. These make me happy.

Orange Lights ~ Lifeofjoy.meI know it is a bit blurry but the point is, I have orange lights up in my kitchen and it gives me holiday feels (as my daughter would say).

I especially like my dishwasher magnet! I’m so happy to have several different holiday themed ones. I took the hummingbird one down and put up this one. It’s new . . . I think I got it for my birthday.

Fall Decor ~ Lifeofjoy.meThis just makes me happy! I have a cornucopia for November and Snowmen for December. :) My real sunflowers outside are way beyond looking this good. The heads are all dried up now and ready for harvesting. I’ll save some of the seeds for planting next year and some for eating, either for us or for the birds.

Conference starts at our church Sunday and I’ve got some preparations to make. I’m working in the kitchen and am happy to make some low carb egg muffins/omelets. It will be nice to have something instead of the heavy complex carbs in the bagels and muffins. I may make some keto bagels one day.

They are really good about attempting to provide some healthy breakfast items with apples, oranges, bananas, and yogurt. The problem is that the yogurt has sugar and the fruit has carbs that some cannot eat. Thankfully they have allowed me to buy some stevia sweetened yogurt too. They really do try to meet the needs of the people.

Well, I’ve got a lot to do, so I’ll run for now.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº




Children Sitting Quietly

Liam in Church Service ~
We didn’t get any pictures this time but here’s one from last time. He liked my glasses case.

Kids need to be taught to sit still and quiet. It is convenient to have a nursery to take your crying child to at church but have you ever wondered if your child is just acting up so that he/she can go play in the nursery instead of being bored and quiet in the sanctuary?

We had Liam on a Sunday a few weeks ago and went to Sunday 8:30 am service as usual. I did not get him up early enough for him to eat breakfast before we left for church, so I took him a snack and his breakfast. I intended to give him his snack during service, because he can slowly get the Lil’ Beanies crunchers out of the snack cup and eat them on his own. Then in between services I would feed him the overnight cold oatmeal (it’s like a pudding and sooo healthy and he loves it).

Michael did not sleep well the night before and was up most of the night, so we came home after the first service. But I have to tell you that even as young as he is, he was able to sit through most of the one hour long service, quietly. I’ve mentioned his love of food here before and let me just say, it was a mistake to only fill the snack cup half full when he had not had breakfast yet (only his morning milk). But when he fussed, loudly, I carried him out of the service, from the second row, and into an unused room. I did not want to equate pitching a fit and leaving service with the reward of playing with toys and other children.

Once I got him under control, we went back in. After a bit, he wanted down to walk, but I would not let him, so he reach for Grandpa. Well I couldn’t rightly keep him from his Grandpa, so I let him go. And as Pastor Alan Taylor has preached, he had his plan to get down and succeeded through his Grandpa. Kids find the weakest link to their objective and will go through however many people necessary to get their desired end. Unfortunate for him, I’m more stubborn and ended up picking him up, to which he responded by fussing. So out we went again only this time, he calmed by the time we got to the last row; so we sat there for the final 10 minutes of service.

Kids need limits. Kids need to be taught to sit still and quiet, without electronics. Kids need consistency.

We have a humidity gauge in our living room on the coffee table. Ever since Liam was little it has been there. When he first found it, I told him no and took it from him and sat it back on the coffee table where it had been. When he touched it again, I repeated that it was a no-no. The next time he touched it, I again repeated that it was a no-no and tapped his hand. Oh My Word! You would have thought he had gotten seared with a hot iron but I held my stand and he left it alone. To this day, he knows he is not supposed to touch it but he will test the limits every now and then. He did this while he was with us and his parents were on a cruise. After about three days of not touching it, he decided to pick it up. I was consistent and removed it from his hands, said no-no, and tapped him. He wasn’t happy but knew the boundaries. Then I walked out of the room and he again picked it up, so Michael was consistent in my stead. The rest of the time he was here, he left it alone.

Disciplining children takes consistency, which means the parents and caregivers must also be disciplined. I think it is God’s sneaky way of making us grow up. ;)

If you don’t have the opportunity to train your children to sit quietly in a church service (without being occupied by electronics), you can practice at home. You could put on a preaching video or tv program and have your child sit beside you on the sofa or chair as you watch and listen, training them to sit quietly. It is a valuable skill.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº



Well, this week’s Diva Challenge is to use Crazy ‘Nzeppel. I like ‘Nzeppel and have used the crazy variation before. So I checked the Square One: Purely Zentangle focus tangle and found it to be Pixioze. Then I wandered over to Pattern-Collections to see what their daily tangles were for yesterday and today: Seppi and Sextant Border.

I decided to mash all of these together in one tile but to do so without any real string. I started with sextant border along the bottom. As usual, my lines were not very straight or uniform, so it didn’t turn out the greatest. Consequently, I decided to blacken in the spokes.

Next I drew Seppi . . . just a little one on the lower left side of my tile, just to see if I had the hang of it. Then I added another and then got brave and made a really large one with some behind as well.

Then I got the brilliant idea to put Crazy ‘Nzeppel  and Pixioze as a filler inside Seppi. Well, that meant that those two tangles were going to be rather small. I put on my magnifying glasses and tangled on.

Here’s my tile before most of the shading. I had to do some shading as I drew because with all the lines, I was losing the overlapped parts. :D

DC#334 ~ Lifeofjoy.meI’m not sure if it looks like waves or snakes or what. :D I did enjoy drawing it though. I was surprised how well I was able to draw so tiny with the magnifier glasses on.

Here it is finished.

DC#334 shaded ~ Lifeofjoy.meI think it kind of think it resembles waves.

It’s not my favorite tile but I enjoyed making it and that is what matters. ;)

I hope you’ll leave me a comment, as they are most encouraging! Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº


Fast Salad ~

Salad the Easy Way!

Salad the fresh and easy way! It is so simple that we’ve been eating a lot more salads and I don’t mind making it.

So, salad is something that I haven’t really liked to make because it is just cumbersome. And if you buy bagged lettuce and don’t use it right away, you have to sort through it and get rid of the nasty leaves. So here is a solution.

Start with a head of the romaine hearts.

Super Easy Salad ~ Lifeofjoy.meRemove one head from the bag. Slice it.

Easy Salad ~ Lifeofjoy.meEasy Salad ~ Lifeofjoy.meYou can slice it down the middle as well, if the pieces are a bit too big for you. Normally I care about large bites, but this is so easy and I’m eating something that is so good for me, so I don’t really care.

Fast Salad ~ Lifeofjoy.mePut it in a fairly large soup/salad bowl.

Fast Salad~ lifeofjoy.meIf you season this salad up right with some good fat/oil be it coconut, olive, or even bacon fat and some salt and pepper with a dash of balsamic vinegar, you can eat it as is.

I generally like a little something with mine so one button mushroom sliced up, a bit of bell pepper sliced, and maybe a bit of carrot grated or sliced are all easy options. Sometimes I’ll add a few slices of cucumber. Toss in any veggies you like. Grape tomatoes would be good as well because they don’t require much prep. :)

Add some pre-cooked chicken. I look for rotisserie chickens on clearance at Walmart because then it is already cooked and only cost $3! I’ll share how I pre-cook chicken for use in this too next week.

Fast Salad ~

We’ve taken to adding nutritional yeast of late. It is a healthy cheesy tasting substitute for when you need to eliminate some dairy for the sake of losing weight. ;) It has lots of B vitamins too.

I have found that the Baby Butter Lettuce Salad at Aldi is a good option but you must plan to use it within a few days of purchase so that you don’t have to sort through and rid yourself of the slimy leaves.

I know this doesn’t sound all that great but trust me. I’ve been doing this for a couple of weeks now and I don’t even mind having a salad anymore. More importantly, Tiffany doesn’t mind either and she used to sigh when I asked her to prepare one! :)

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

Think It Through

Think ~ Lifeofjoy.meI asked Michael if he had any marriage advice I could share today. We kid with him that his answer is always “no.” In an effort to understand why, he finally was able to figure that it must be because he never had anyone tell him no. He was always did whatever he wanted, which was not a good thing. (He did not grow up in a ‘Christian’ home.) So he surmises that he views saying no as caring for and protecting those he loves. Trust me when I say, it does not feel that way. I did not grow up the same way he did.

His advice: think about things three and four times before making a commitment. And of course, pray about it.

It is so easy to just go with your ‘gut feeling’ but that isn’t always the right thing to do. If you have trouble hearing God answer your questions, ask Him to confirm it through others. Then keep a watchful eye for your answer and accept it, even if it isn’t the answer you wanted.

I guess I’m keeping it short and sweet today.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº





Liam’s Vacation Part 2

I enjoyed having Liam here. Of course, I’m no spring chicken any more, so I rested up at the beginning of the week but I do miss his sweetness. :)

Liam Vacay Pt 2 ~ Lifeofjoy.meLiam Vacay Pt 2 ~ lifeofjoy.meLove him soooo much!

I told about his temper the other day. Here’s a picture where he was just overwhelmed. :D

Liam Upset ~ Lifeofjoy.meYep, that is Shiloh’s bed. He was so upset he laid there crying. He soon stopped and was back to his sweet self shortly thereafter. Shiloh was even interested in his display; of course, it is her bed, so she has a vested interest in him getting out of it.

Shiloh Jealous ~ Lifeofjoy.meAs you can see, Shiloh was a bit jealous of Liam and craved more attention than usual. I think she was glad when he left.

Liam enjoyed toddling back and forth down the hallway. It made it difficult for Aunt Tiffany to get work done. ;)

Liam visits Tiff ~ Lifeofjoy.meShe didn’t mind though.

Kid Loves Music ~ Lifeofjoy.meI love that look on his face, which is why I included this blurry picture. ;)

Liam ~ Lifeofjoy.meI’m really going to miss him, as they are moving two hours away this weekend. Of course, Brian promises they’ll come visit once a month. At least it isn’t in another state.

In other news, we’re gearing up for conference at church. Tiffany and I went over one day this week; she cleaned the kitchen while I had a meeting about kitchen processes and needs.

We’ll have a shopping day next week to buy conference items, although we’ll probably just add it to our regular grocery day as it isn’t really that much extra that I need to get.

I have had to make household preparations also. Since we will be at the conference all week, we’ll need to figure out the menu for several weeks. That is always challenging. I try to get as much as possible before the conference so that all I have to do is get perishables at the end of the conference.

Thankfully the weather is turning cooler and we will get to start having soup again, enjoyably. So we have soup on the menu, at least once or twice but will do so even more in the upcoming weeks.

Conference meetings are usually over before dinner time, so I’ve got simple meals planned. Some are so very simple, I would have never thought of them had it not been for Trim Healthy Mama and their Stubborn Losers Menu.

I’ve also got to do my nails. I haven’t done them in a long time and they are in definite need of attention. Then there is the laundry and figuring out what I’ll be wearing throughout the week.

Well, I’ve got lots to do, so I’m going to go. I hope you have a great week. I’m going to rest up as much as possible and pre-make some snacks and such, to stave off bad eating during conference week. I’ve finally got the scales moving in the right direction again and hope not to mess that up.

Until next time, God bless,

 Michele ºÜº

Teach How to Research

Teach Research ~ Lifeofjoy.meIt is important to not just give children the answers to questions they have but to show them how to find the answers. If all you ever do is answer their questions, then you are teaching them to ask people for information. That is sometimes acceptable and even good but it is also good for them to learn how to find the information themselves.

Now obviously this is difficult to do when they are little but when you have to look up something, tell them and show them that you don’t just know that information off the top of your head. Let them sit on your lap as you search or show them the books where you will search for the information and how you use the books.

Teaching your children how to search for information, find books in the library, and how to use a book index are all important skills. When they are young, you could show them two books that are completely different from each other and ask them which one they think will have the information they need. Then proceed to show them how to find the information.

Teaching your children to find information for themselves is a vital skill. With this skill, they are empowered for life; there is then very little they cannot accomplish because they know how to find whatever information they need to learn.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº



Cozy Season Change

This week Laura had one more guest challenge. This week it is a team challengers Juliette and Kellie. They invite us to use tangles that remind us of season change and/or use cozy tangles. (I had a bit of a hard time listening to their podcast: Tanglepod because I couldn’t seem to get the volume loud enough, even with headphones on. I may have to give them another try sometime.)

I began thinking about what tangles seemed cozy to me. I immediately thought of Crescent Moon. Then I looked through my notebook of tangles and saw Ahhh! That is most definitely a tangle that makes me think of cozy because it reminds me of snow. I like to be all warm and cozy inside watching the snow through the window.

I like it when it is cold enough to lean back on a pillow and cover up with a blanket. Shattuck reminds me of a blanket and Drupe reminds me of a pillow.

I started with the four dots and lines for the frame but decided against drawing a string and just went free styling. First I drew Drupe and then added Shattuck. From there I added Ahhh, as if looking out a window.

Here’s the tile before shading.

DC#333 ~ Lifeofjoy.meAnd here it is afterwards.

DC#333 ~ Lifeofjoy.meI used a little 6B pencil to get some darkness but I didn’t smudge my shading well enough. I really need to get some new blending stumps; the ones I have just aren’t working very well. I need some pointier tortillions.

Looking at the tile now, the whole thing kind of looks like a pillow. :)

Thanks for stopping by. And a huge thanks to any of you kind people that take the time to leave a comment, they are most appreciated!!!

Until next time, God bless,

 Michele ºÜº

Baby Food ~

Sweet Potatoes for Little Ones

Last week we had my grandson Liam while his parents were on a cruise vacation. He’s just learned to walk and falls a lot, so a cruise ship on rough seas is no place for him. So Grandma got to love on him this week. :)

Finding veggies he will eat is not an easy task. But then when I realize that I don’t really like veggies either, I’m a little easier on him. ;) Then I think about his parents and they are not really fond of veggies either. So what to feed this child in the veggie department when he pushes unwanted veggies back out of his mouth?

Sweet potatoes to the rescue! And thankfully I have sweet potatoes on hand. :)

I’ve never done much with sweet potatoes before so it was a learning experience for me as well. But it was super simple!

Either scrub your sweet potato or peel it. I did it both ways but the peeled version seemed to be easier to eat as the skins didn’t get in the way.

Then dice up into small pieces. Put them in a saucepan, sprinkle with a little bit of cinnamon, and put in enough water to cover them. Set it on the stove and bring to a boil. Boil until the pieces are tender, about 10-15 minutes or so depending on the size of the pieces.

Liam + Swt Pot ~ Lifeofjoy.meSweet Potatoes for LIttle Ones ~ Lifeofjoy.meLiam & Sweet Potatoes ~ Lifeofjoy.meLiam & Sweet Potatoes ~

Sweet Potatoes for Little Ones


  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Cinnamon, sprinkling
  • water


  1. Peel or scrub and dice potatoes.
  2. Place in pot with a sprinkling of cinnamon and cover with water.
  3. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until pieces are softened.

Yeah, I know, hardly a recipe but that’s what I did and he loved them, as you can see in the pictures above. :)

Until next time, God bless,

 Michele ºÜº

Ask First and Save Yourself Trouble

Ask First ~ Lifeofjoy.meYou know the saying, “It’s easier to ask forgiveness than to ask permission”? Well, that is not the way you should handle things in your marriage. Yeah, I’m telling you from experience here. Oh, I wish it were an experience that I am pulling up from my distant past but unfortunately this one just happened this past week. :(

At least I learned a very valuable lesson: it is disrespectful to not ask his permission, especially if it is something that will affect him in any way.

I had to do some fancy apologizing for my overstepping. Even a day later, I was still dealing with the aftermath of my decision. We now have a clean slate and are moving forward. What I should have done was to sit down and talk to him about what I wanted to do and why, and then pray God deal with his heart.

So let that be one of those hard knocks you don’t have to get on your own. Learn from my mistake and be blessed. :)

Until next time, God bless,

 Michele ºÜº
