Fast Salad ~

Salad the Easy Way!

Salad the fresh and easy way! It is so simple that we’ve been eating a lot more salads and I don’t mind making it.

So, salad is something that I haven’t really liked to make because it is just cumbersome. And if you buy bagged lettuce and don’t use it right away, you have to sort through it and get rid of the nasty leaves. So here is a solution.

Start with a head of the romaine hearts.

Super Easy Salad ~ Lifeofjoy.meRemove one head from the bag. Slice it.

Easy Salad ~ Lifeofjoy.meEasy Salad ~ Lifeofjoy.meYou can slice it down the middle as well, if the pieces are a bit too big for you. Normally I care about large bites, but this is so easy and I’m eating something that is so good for me, so I don’t really care.

Fast Salad ~ Lifeofjoy.mePut it in a fairly large soup/salad bowl.

Fast Salad~ lifeofjoy.meIf you season this salad up right with some good fat/oil be it coconut, olive, or even bacon fat and some salt and pepper with a dash of balsamic vinegar, you can eat it as is.

I generally like a little something with mine so one button mushroom sliced up, a bit of bell pepper sliced, and maybe a bit of carrot grated or sliced are all easy options. Sometimes I’ll add a few slices of cucumber. Toss in any veggies you like. Grape tomatoes would be good as well because they don’t require much prep. :)

Add some pre-cooked chicken. I look for rotisserie chickens on clearance at Walmart because then it is already cooked and only cost $3! I’ll share how I pre-cook chicken for use in this too next week.

Fast Salad ~

We’ve taken to adding nutritional yeast of late. It is a healthy cheesy tasting substitute for when you need to eliminate some dairy for the sake of losing weight. ;) It has lots of B vitamins too.

I have found that the Baby Butter Lettuce Salad at Aldi is a good option but you must plan to use it within a few days of purchase so that you don’t have to sort through and rid yourself of the slimy leaves.

I know this doesn’t sound all that great but trust me. I’ve been doing this for a couple of weeks now and I don’t even mind having a salad anymore. More importantly, Tiffany doesn’t mind either and she used to sigh when I asked her to prepare one! :)

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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