Valentine’s Day Planning

Valentine’s Day is  less than two weeks away. I’ve got some ideas about what to do for Michael but just not sure yet. I guess I need to make a decision. ;)

Do you find it difficult to come up with something? Since we still have two single kids at home, I like to make the day special for all of us but still keep Michael’s extra special. ;)

Of course I’ll make him a card because that is what he prefers–a handmade card over a purchased card.  I usually try to make red food and dessert is a must! Michael loves dessert. :) Plus this year St. Valentine’s Day is on a Friday, so that makes it more special.

Fridays are usually pizza night. Pizza sauce is red. Everyone loves the sourdough pizza. =)) There is this low carb, low fat berry cobbler that we could have and the berries could be red. :)

Of course I’ll think of something special for him but one of the best things I can do is keep my expectations low.

Well, I’m off to think about Michael’s card . . . begin planning it. I could use stickers and washi tape, which I have in abundance. I could do some zentangle inspired art and I have just downloaded the ValenTangle 2020 pdf, so maybe it will inspire me. Or I could paint his card or use stamps . . . many options. :)

I hope your Valentine planning is going well; time is getting short. ;)

Until next time,

Michele ºÜº

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