Friday Tidbit: Not Much and Grief

Beginning Jan.4th, while I am working on updating this website, I’ll only be posting tidbits each day (with maybe a bit more on Fridays) until the update is completed.

Not much is going on right now. This was the first week that Tiffany and I haven’t had to run errands, since we planned enough last week. We really like that!

Grief comes in all different ways! I’m lacking motivation to do anything; it’s possible that I’m escaping grief by doing things I enjoy (a.k.a. playing games ;) ). Tiffany pointed out that I don’t like to be sad, and she’s right. So, I avoid it. :D I didn’t realize I was doing it until I got to thinking about how my sisters are dealing with the grief, of Daddy’s death.

I was looking through my pictures to include one of Tiff and I but we don’t take a lot of pictures together . . . note to self: rectify this ;)  . . . and as I scrolled through I got to the pictures from the memorial . . . that was a little hard, I didn’t want to get sidetracked so I sped up my scrolling. Then I got back to the last pictures of family while he was still alive . . . and as I think about it now, tears are welling up. I love my daddy and it hurts that he is no longer here . . . but I will not dwell on that right now. ;)

So, thank you for your prayers for my mom, sisters, and I . . . well for all of us — some of the grandkids are a bit more emotional than others . . . we appreciate the prayers that are still being said for us.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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