Cool Printables for Young Ones

I stumbled across this really neat website that provides some really nice printables each month. This link goes to the Raccoon set.

It includes counter cards, name recognition cards, rhyming cards, letter recognition, do-a-dot activities, and even a gameboard and a math activity. :) Soooo cute!

Apparently she releases a new unit on the 15th of each month to subscribers (which is free). Here is a link to the ones she provided free online last year.

Spend some time looking around her website. There is a wealth of information there. There are fall, winter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, winter, and even Ten Apples Up On Top units. Soooo much available, cute and fun!

There is a search feature at the top of the site, so if you are looking for something in particular, search for it. Such a great website.

I hope this is helpful to you.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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