Marriage Encouragement

Marriage ~ Lifeofjoy.meGenerally speaking, I think marriages are something that take work. There may be a few that are wonderful without work but that is not my experience.

It was a good day when I stumbled across my first Christian marriage blogger. I think it was probably Sheila Gregoire’s website/blog, To Love, Honor, and Vacuum. From there I have no idea where I went or how I stumbled onto the wonderful websites and blogs I have but they have been food for my marriage and for that I will be forever grateful!

At this point in time, my favorite website is The Generous Wife by Lori Byerly. I have never met Lori in person but I hope one day I can have lunch with her, since she and her husband are currently RVing around the country.

The reason I love Lori’s site is because she gives a short encouragement every day, a prayer prompt most days, and generally suggests two links of other articles to encourage you in your marriage. Her thought for the day does not take long to read and usually gives you something to think about. Then she shares links to other articles that usually take a bit longer to read but are good food for thought.

I find it important to keep marriage encouragement in my forethought, so that I don’t forget to keep working on my marriage. It is easy to get self-centered in life but I want to nurture my marriage so that it only gets better. Without that encouragement, I don’t work on it, and I find myself not giving Mike the attention he deserves. Reading Lori’s blog and suggested articles gives me reminders and ideas to support my husband and strengthen our marriage.

Mike is not one to go to a marriage seminar or weekend, but I recommend it if you and your spouse are willing to try it because then you are both being encouraged at the same time to strengthen your marriage and put each other second only to God in your lives. I think that when both the husband and wife read or listen to marriage encouragement it makes for a stronger marriage but if your spouse isn’t interested or doesn’t have the time to read books, blogs, articles, and such, it is better that you take the time to do so and implement what you learn than neither one of you.

Be proactive. Encourage yourself in your marriage and implement some of what you read or hear. Information doesn’t make a change. You have to actually do something to cause things to be better.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

2 thoughts on “Marriage Encouragement

  1. Michelle, I too really enjoy Lori’s blog because of every one of the points you gave. I like that she suggests certain blogs so I can pick and choose those that sound interesting.

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