You are Changing

change ~ Lifeofjoy.meWhether you think you are or not, you are changing; everyone is. As we go through life, experiences cause us to make changes in our lives, whether we realize it or not.

Your spouse is not the same person you married x number of years ago. And you are not the person you were then either. The truth is that even just getting married changes us because it is two people coming together and meshing their lives together. Odds are the things that have changed are not the things that you hoped would change, well except for celibacy that is. ;) Many times there is something about your fiancé that you secretly (or not so secretly) hope will change but generally it is that very thing that does not change but I digress.

I read this article about how we change over the years and we are not who we once were but that it isn’t always an improvement. ;) I did not necessarily like the article but it did make me think about change and how we all change.

I guess the point I’m trying to make is that we are all changing. I want to be changing for the better; so I make an effort to read  things that will help me to change for the better. I also pursue activities that enrich my life. Lately I have been crocheting and knitting again. It started out of necessity for an item and progressed to enjoyment. But all that aside, the point is that I am doing things that are helping me change for the better. I cannot change anyone but me and my reaction to others (but that’s a talk for another day ;) ) so I don’t waste my efforts on things that are not profitable. :)

I find good Christian marriage authors both of books and of blogs, that help me to consider the things I do and how I can make positive changes in my life. I go to church and listen and put into practice the things they teach that will enhance my life. I spend time praying and worshipping God, and reading my Bible which are all going to help me make positive changes in my life.

I hope my ramblings have helped you in some way today. When I realize that I’m changing, for better or for worse, and what I’m thinking on fuels that change, it makes me more intentional about my choices.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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