What Are You Really Teaching Your Children?

silhouetteGoing along the lines of what I shared last week, I remembered this article I had seen some time ago. (7 Ways Parents Harm Their Children Without Even Noticing It) It talked about some ways that parents inadvertently do harm to their children. It is about some things parents do that sets the wrong example for their children.

The first the author mentions is about the little untruths parents tell, to get a better deal or get away with something. If you tell a partial truth in the presence of your children, they you are teaching them there is a time it is okay for them to tell a partial truth. Do you want them to do that to you when you ask them something? Remember, your children are going to follow your example much more readily than what you tell them to do.

If you ‘fly off the handle’ with your kids, you are teaching them that behavior like that is acceptable. You are inadvertently modeling a lack of self-control. Probably not what you what to model for them.

Do you compare one child with another? Or compare your child with someone else’s child? This is not healthy for you or your children. You don’t want to set your child up for failure or for a situation where they believe they are better than others. Remember to be the parent and not your child’s fan club. It is good to be your child’s friend but not over being their parent. Your child needs a parent and a friend but not someone to pump their head with pride; remember pride is also an abomination to God.

The final thing I want to mention is what a danger it is to put your children above your spouse. I doubt you’d ever think of it in that manner. I know I didn’t. My kids needed me. At times they were helpless and needed me. At other times, I was so busy with the education of the children and care and upkeep of our home that I was too tired to give Mike, my husband, the priority he deserved. This was a big mistake!!! If I had it to do over again, I would do things very differently.

It is important for your children to hear good things about their father. It is important to speak well of him to the children. It is important to take time for your spouse. The children will not be  harmed by you sending them to bed early so that you can have quality time with your hubby. Find ways to give your husband first place. Find ways to change up your routines so that the children do not need so much of your attention in the evenings, so that you can give that attention to your spouse. It really is vitally important.

I hope you will read the aforementioned article and prayerfully consider these thoughts.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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