Valentangling Some More

Evidently Monday was a holiday in Canada as well as the USA, because I didn’t see a Diva Challenge this week. Of course it is possible that she posts one late but I needed to post today. So I went back to the Valentangle 2019 to see what I hadn’t done yet, other than that other media one. ;)

Day 8 was to tangle the initials of someone you are very, very happy to have in your life. For me, that is my husband. I thought it would be pretty to do it on a tan tile (mine are 4″;), but I wish I hadn’t in the end. :D

I started with the initial of our last name in the middle and then wrote our initials in strands coming from it. I wish I had just done a zenbutton but I was trying to be creative. :)

day 8 #Valentangle2019 step 1 ~ lifeofjoy.meI thought I was really clever and it was going to turn out really great. But I stink at auraing! :D I haven’t gotten to where I can keep my auras the same width and such.

I forgot to get a picture of it after I finished auraing and before shading. I wasn’t sure about the shading at all! Here is a picture of it, which shows a bit of the shininess of the 6B pencil.

Day 8 Valentangle2019 ~ Lifeofjoy.meHere is a scan of it.

#Valentangle2019 day 8 ~ Lifeofjoy.meI really didn’t know what to do with it. At one point before all the shading, I considered using watercolor pencils and making it look kind of like a pansy. Turned sideways, it kind of resembles that flower.

I really was at a loss. I guess it turned out okay. Not my favorite piece but also not my worst.

Thanks for stopping by. If you have any suggestions or tips for shading and highlighting on tan tiles, I’d love it. :)

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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