Urushiol Oil

Yes, it is a tongue twister, urushiol oil. Do you know where it is found?

urushiol oil ~ Lifeofjoy.meIt is the oil in poison ivy to which so many people are allergic.

Here some other pictures of it, so that you can be fully aware of what it looks like in different stages.

Urushiol Oil ~ Lifeofjoy.me
New leaf growth
Poison Ivy Fall Colors ~ Lifeofjoy.me
In the fall it changes colors.
Urushiol Oil ~ Lifeofjoy.me
In a large patch

Did you know that the peel of one fruit also has this oil? AND if you are sensitive to it in poison ivy, you probably are to the peel of this fruit as well.

Urushiol Oil ~ Lifeofjoy.me

Mango! Sean is a bit of a picky eater, so the fact that he tried and liked mango is wonderful.

Urushiol Oil ~ Lifeofjoy.me

One day he felt a bit of a burning/tingling sensation on some parts of his lips. Within 24 hours it got red and started swelling. Then bumps formed and start oozing. Of course, there is the annoying itch! Then it begins hardening; the end is much closer at this point.

This happened to him after we’d had a new recipe and thus the new recipe was blamed. This process lasted for about 5 days or so!

Then a few weeks later, I saw this article: Mango Mouth. I forwarded it to Sean to read, to see if he thought this was the cause of his situation.

Then a couple of weeks ago I asked what fruit he wanted me to buy on grocery day; mangoes, grapes, and honeycrisp apples. The mango sat here for a week or more so one recent Saturday I told him he needed to eat it. The next morning his lips were a bit red and swollen! We realized that it was indeed the mango. The new recipe and suspected greek yogurt were off the hook but for the next week he was dealing with the nasty effects.

All this to warn you about the peels of the mango. Wear disposable gloves if you buy a fresh mango or save yourself the trouble and buy frozen or already cut mango. :)

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº


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