The Right Way to Ask Questions about His Decision

The Generous Wife, Lori Byerly, shared an article from Shaunti Feldhahn (author of For Women Only) that really made me think about how I converse with my husband. I think I need to talk to him about this article and see if it resonates with him. I’ve learned that just because many or even a majority of men think a certain way does not mean MY man does. So while this is good food for thought, it is not necessarily spot on with everyone’s spouse.

So the article was an answer to a message that Shaunti got from a relatively new bride about how it seemed that her husband didn’t like her inquisitiveness after they got married and this bothered her. Shaunti shared how most men work through a problem and how her inquisitive nature could be making the husband feel she didn’t trust/respect him.

In reading Shaunti’s response, I realized that I can be that kind of person and that I do not speak my agreement with Michael nearly enough. Since then, I have made an effort to begin my part of the conversation on something Michael’s shared by stating my agreement with something he’s said. (Yeah, that was real wordy but I hope it was clear.) I noticed in doing this that he is not as defensive and we are relating a bit better. :)

So, I’ve rambled enough. I hope you’ll click on over and give the post a read. It is always enlightening to see how most men process things. ;)

Until next time,

Michele ºÜº

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