Tag Archives: Trial and Error

Recipe Trial and Error: Rockin’ Roll Cake

On Friday I tried the Rockin’ Roll Cake for Valentine’s Day dessert. I wanted to keep it a fuel pull (FP) because we had Sourdough Pizza from Around the Family Table Cookbook for dinner, which is an E (healthy carb) meal. I wanted to be able to eat dessert without thought for the carbs or adding fats.

It would have turned out perfectly except that I overcooked the cake. I don’t know what I was thinking except that part of the cake seemed to be uncooked when the timer went off, but truth be told, I think it would have been fine. Then because I knew that this was basically egg whites, I hand meringues on my mind and meringues are supposed to be dry. Yep! That was my problem!!!

So I will remake this cake and share how I deliciously kept if fuel pull at that time.

The important thing is that Michael really likes the cake. :)

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº