Studies Based on Interests

SOW ~ LifeofJoy.meDuring our children’s highschool years, The Student of the Word was their core. Their other areas of study came from the children’s interests. Tiffany’s studies were centered around her desire to be a wife, homeschool mom, and writer. She also had interests in gardening, chickens, and goats.

In light of these interests, Tiffany began writing a novel. She began reading books about homeschool approaches, beginning with Pocketful of Pinecones by Karen Andreaola. After that she began reading A Charlotte Mason Companion, and Wisdom’s Way of Learning. From there she read about more approaches in an old Elijah catalog I had which was an excellent resource. (The next ones I recommend are A Thomas Jefferson Education and Cindy Rushton’s homeschool resources, especially her Notebooking information.)

She spent time researching her other interests online and via the library. Pinterest, wikipedia, and google searches were all helpful in this pursuit.

I wish I’d have followed their interests more when they were younger but it all worked out well. When children are younger, it is good to expose them to a variety of things to see if it will spark an interest. Read a variety of books and allow them plenty of time to play. Also expose them to nature, art, music, and outdoors. Don’t be afraid to allow your children to become an expert at what interests them. :)

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº


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