Stop . . . Pray . . . Listen . . . Obey

Seek Listen Obey ~ Lifeofjoy.meFirst for anyone that read my post on Friday, I want you to know that my back is back to normal!!! Hallelujah! Doing what God tells you to do brings victory. God tells different people different things to do, so knowing what He told me to do to fix my dilemma would do nobody else any good. You have to seek Him for yourself, stop and listen to what He has to say, and then follow through with what He told you to do. It is that simple and that difficult all at the same time because if you are anything like me, you don’t trust that you are really hearing God.

It is really the same in marriage. When there are difficulties, looking around at what others did, searching the internet, and talking about the situation probably won’t fix it. What will fix it is for you to get alone with God. Seriously, spend time with Him and stop and listen . . . yes, listen. It takes practice deciphering between the voices in your head.

Many times difficulties between husband and wife can be worked through by one person taking positive action. Some times action on your part will inspire action on their part. Many times when I feel Mike is not treating me the way he should, if I really take a look at things I will see where I haven’t been treating him the way he would like either. Then if I make a change, things are better, even if he doesn’t do anything differently. Much of it has to do with the thoughts in my own head and my actions.

Now don’t take this to extremes or as a rule for extreme situations. I’m just talking about the normal husband and wife relationships where there is no abuse or unfaithfulness. Pray and ask God to show you your part and what you can do to help change things around. Small things really do make a difference.

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