Southern Sweet Tea

Southern Style cied Tea ~ Lifeofjoy.meWell, somehow I thought I’d have plenty of time to get a post together for today after getting home from vacation Saturday night but here I am scrambling. What’s worse I can’t even make the recipe I am sharing today because we don’t have any tea bags! Ugh!!!

Oh well! There’s nothing I can do about it since we live fifteen minutes from the nearest grocery store. So, I’ll just write this up, attach a stock photo, and replace it when we get some tea bags. :\

Boil about two and a half to three cups of water in a medium size pan. Remove from heat and add four or five black tea bags.

Be sure they are completely submerged in the water and wait about fifteen minutes.

Put between one and a quarter and one and a third cups of sugar in a one gallon pitcher.

Remove the tea bags from the hot water but it is best not to squeeze them as they say that makes the tea bitter.

Add the tea water to the sugar and stir to dissolve the sugar.

If you have some ice, add about two trays of ice cubes, stir, fill the rest of the gallon with cold water, and give it a final stir. It is now ready to serve.

If you don’t have any ice, fill completely with ice water, stir, and refrigerate for an hour or so until nice and cold.

Serve and enjoy!

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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