
I find having routines help me be more productive. It also helped me a lot when the children were still schooling, as it enabled them to know what was expected of them and accomplish it.

I attempted scheduling, you know, with times and everything but that did not work for us at all! Times made it a total bust for us. BUT having the list of things that needed to be done, and even an order in which to accomplish them, was very helpful.

I recently have added to my short morning routine and now I’m getting a lot more things done each day. I’m not following it 100% but I’m getting way more accomplished than without something in writing.

Routines ~ Lifeofjoy.meAbove is my routines from my bullet journal. I don’t mark anything off; it’s just for reference. (It is odd that the brightest colors on the page, scanned the lightest.)

You have some kind of routines now, whether they are good or bad only you can say. For years I had bad routines, ones in which I flew by the seat of my pants and got little accomplished. It feels good to be more productive with my days. I’ve heard it said, many times, that the best way to get a good start in the morning is to plan for it the night before. So I’ve added to my evening routine.

On this Home Organization website, there is some help, ideas, and printables to guide you, if you are interested.

I hope you’ll give writing down your routines a try.

Until next time, God bless,

 Michele ºÜº

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