Quick Kefir Drink

Happy Drink ~ Lifeofjoy.meI’m really tired and just remembered I need to get a post up. So here is a quick kefir recipe. My grandson, Liam, really likes this! Oh, and it is super simple!!!

Simply add a couple drops of your favorite extract and a bit of your favorite sugar-free sweetener to double-fermented kefir. Stir and drink.

Yep, I told you it was easy. I put a couple drops of strawberry extract in about a half cup of cold kefir and a doonk (1/32 teaspoon) of stevia powder OR a few drops of stevia glycerite or whatever alternative sweetener you prefer. It is best to use a powdered or liquid sweetener alternative.

Yes, this is a bit of a cheat recipe, but it’s the holidays and everyone needs a little simple recipe in their lives. ;)

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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