Positive Words, Positive Changes

Positive Words ~ LifeofJoy.meI know I’m not perfect. Actually I have a lot of room to grow and change. That doesn’t mean that I accept that all of the friction in my marriage is because of me but I definitely make my contribution to it. But I digress . . . I’m always on the lookout for ways to improve myself.

I recently came across two articles that were interestingly thought provoking. The first was about changing one bad habit to make a big difference in a marriage. It was a good read about how the author looked on the positive side of things and spoke positive words rather than the negative words or what others might call ‘reality’ that she used to. She gave a really good example of how she used to respond when her hubby got home and then how she responds now and the difference it has made in their marriage. It is all about perspective. :)

I know I have been guilty of saying some of the very things the author of he post wrote about. I have to say, it definitely made me think.

The other article is called Nine Ways to Nurture your Marriage. I won’t share it all here but she made some good points, especially about celebrating your anniversary and showing your spouse love in a way they feel loved (a.k.a. love language). There was some that I didn’t necessarily agree with but definitely worth a read.

The last point of the last article is to serve one another which goes right in line with the Marriage Challenge for the week over on The Generous Wife: show preference to your husband. I don’t know about you but I am going to accept the challenge. And if you are looking for some more good articles on marriage, The Generous Wife has links to some great ones.

Well, I think that is enough for today.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

One thought on “Positive Words, Positive Changes

  1. Michele, thanks so much for pointing to my blog. Thanks also for the window into your marriage journey. It’s encouraging to see others invest in their marriage.

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