Painting Garden Statues with Washable Paint and Library Reopened

We did go and do some painting at my parents’ house last week. We had a good time. I decided not to work any more on the piece I did last week. I think it is good enough after looking it over again. I’m always harder on myself while I’m working a piece than looking back at a piece after I’ve left it for a bit.

You can’t see it in this picture but the leaves and the purple on the butterfly have glitter in the paint and looks quite nice in person. ;)

Here’s a picture of Tiffany and Macie painting at my mom’s.

Macie and Tiffany painting ~ Lifeofjoy.meThat hedgehog turned out so nice!

Ashlee and Mom–Don’t know what she was astounded at. :DYou can see the shoe after I painted it down below. (This picture really made it look much nicer than it was. :D )

Ashlee’s a perfectionist, so while Macie did about three pieces, she was perfecting her one. :)

The majority of the paints we used were washable which made things a bit more difficult. Fortunately Mom had some little tiny paint pots (they looked like what you get in a paint by number) and these, I’m told, were easier to use.

The fairy Tiffany painted had a dramatic change. Unfortunately, there is no before picture. Just imagine a drab grayish-green color over almost of these items. ;) The pop of color is lovely. She really did a great job on it!

Macie started this one of the squirrels and stump but it was a bit too difficult with the paint we were working with. So she passed the brush to me and I finished it up.

I desperately wanted the butterfly to be gorgeous but it just wasn’t covering good! Ugh. In the end, I just had to be happy that it looked a lot better than it did when Macie and I started. :D

Then there was this shoe planter. We thought we’d go with a cream base but a cream color could not be seen–it was not opaque enough. So we went bold and used pink. :D

You just really don’t have any idea how difficult it is to paint with washable paint until you try to add layers. :o I could have made this look sooo much better with a different kind of paint. But once again, it looks better than it looked before. ;)

Mom had some spray to cover these with to protect them from any water–remember, much of this paint is washable. :o I’ll be interested to see how they do over time.

Our library opened this week! They did a bit more remodeling, updating the flooring, while they were closed. They are limiting each person to 1 hour inside and only ten patrons at a time.

It never occurred to me to return our books before they reopened! :D Seriously. Didn’t enter my mind. :) I had planned to only get 5 books this time but since we were limited in how long we could be there, I opted to go ahead and get the ten allowed since I didn’t have the time to scrutinize each book.

We should have a video up on our youtube channel sharing our library haul tomorrow. Tiffany’s been fighting a migraine headache all week, so I’m not positive we’ll get it recorded, edited, and posted but I’m going to try. ;)

Well, that’s it for me today. I’ve got a bit of baking to do with it being Father’s Day this weekend. Brian, Lauren, and Liam are coming up! And I’m excited to see them and the rest of the family this weekend.

I hope you have a great weekend.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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