OCHEC Convention Take-Away

IMG_8973The Oklahoma Christian Home Educators Consortium Convention was last weekend. It was wonderful and exhausting all at the same time. It is so encouraging to go to a convention and be spiritually encouraged as well as encouraged to remember the most important things in educating our children.  I thought I’d share some of the things that stuck with me from the workshops we attended. I’m not going to look at my notes for this post, but just hit the highlights.

Short Study Sessions

The first big thing I remember was when Israel Wayne shared about the best way to work with active children is to let them work for about 15 minutes and then have a break for about 8 minutes throughout the time period that your young active ones are getting the “school work” done. Give them plenty of time to run and play with short times of focusing on phonics or math or writing, when ready.

Nature Study

We went to a workshop that was all about including nature study in your child’s education and how important it is. It really helps develop areas in the child that benefit him in his education. The speaker shared that just one session per week for 30-60 minutes is all that is needed. She also shared that having a pack always on the ready, filled with art journal, water colors, water bottle, disposable cups, colored pencils, drawing pencils, and field guides.

Music and Art Study

This workshop shared how easy it is to add music and art study to the schedule and the benefits of doing so. The premise is to study one artist and one composer for a 12-week period focusing on one work for two weeks (just 30-60 minutes per week). This schedule would have you studying 3 composers and 3 artists each school year.

It still seemed a bit daunting because I have never had this kind of music or art study and wouldn’t really know what question to ask and what to look for. Even if that is the case, I still recommend giving it a go and learn with your children.

You can order audios from our convention. Right now they can be purchased at a discount if you order all of them soon. Later individual workshops can be purchased (as well as any workshop from previous years) here. To decide which set to order, you can see the speakers for the different conventions (Tulsa and OKC) here click on either Tulsa or OKC Conventions to get the particulars of each.

I have found homeschool conventions, especially Christian ones, to be most encouraging! I hope you can find a good one to attend.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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