New Year’s Resolutions: Marriage Version

New Year Resolution ~ Lifeofjoy.meI know I’m a week early but I’m looking forward to sharing a special gift I am giving Mike for Christmas but I have to share it next week, just in case he decides to read my blog before then and ruin the surprise. So I’m going to jump ahead a week and talk about New Year’s resolutions today.

I really don’t do resolutions but I’m more thinking about some areas to focus on where our marriage is concerned. I want him to know how much I love and appreciate him. I saw where Money Saving Mom had made a goal to write her husband a love note every week last year. Now, I’m bad at expressing my feelings and not great with following through on things so I’m not going to make that unattainable goal, but I will endeavor to write him one note each month. Now to give myself the best chances of success, I’m going to set a date for me to give him this letter. I would go with our anniversary date but we like to do date night on that date, so I think I’ll go with the fourteenth instead (the date of Valentine’s day).

I am only going to make one more resolution where Mike is concerned because this one is a big one. One of the things that bothers Mike the most is the tone of my voice when I’m upset. Thus, I am going to endeavor to work on this. If I can change the tone my voice automatically goes to in stressed situations, it will work in my favor. :) It is bad enough to have a tough conversation and/or situation that needs to be discussed but throw in a voice that works against you and it is a losing battle for all the wrong reasons.

People change their natural responses all the time for one reason or another. You have to change your habits to better yourself, so changing a habit to better my marriage is definitely worth the effort.

Think about something that would bless your hubby and make a resolution to do it in the new year.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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