More March Special Days

March Days ~ LifeofJoy.meThe obvious holiday or observance this week is St. Patrick’s Day. There are LOTS of activities and units/lesson plans on the subject. Here’s just one of the several on homeschool share.

Here’s a fun one: American Chocolate Week

You might check out to show your children where chocolate comes from and then make some chocolatey goodness, like my brownies.

It’s National Yo-Yo and Skills Toys Week. It would be a good time to pick up a yoyo from the dollar store and let your kids try their hand at it. Maybe take a video of them trying to use the yo-yo in the beginning of the week and then again at the end of the week to show their progress.

It is also Act Happy Week! You could talk with your kids about what makes them happy and that being happy is a choice. I used to tell my kids, when they were in a sour mood that being happy is a choice and that they HAVE to choose to be happy now. :)

Next week is also Wildlife Week. It might be a good time to take some nature walks and do some nature journaling. Talk about what animals you see or normally see that you aren’t seeing right now.

And of course there is one to do with books, libraries, or reading. :) It’s World Folktales and Fables week. Here’s an interesting website I just found that you may find some interesting folktales or fables to read aloud to your children. You can even select a fable or folktale by country of origin.

For the younger ones, it is National Button Week. You could have them learn to button if they don’t know yet, sort buttons, lace buttons, and you could make some cookies to look like buttons or frost a round cake to look like a button.

For your older ones, it’s the Ides of March on Sunday so you could have them research the significance.  (Julius Caesar)

There are some other interesting days next week, so be sure to check out

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜºHappy Bday Tra ~

P.S. A special observation in our family is this week. A shout out to my baby sister who’s birthday is Saturday! Happy Birthday Sis!


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