Marriage Thoughtfulness

New Year ~ Lifeofjoy.meI wish you all a happy new year! I’m looking forward to this new year. I know that I have to be intentional where my marriage is concerned. If I am not trying to improve myself and my marriage then I am probably stagnating or worse, declining in my own life and my relationship with my hubby.

Marriage is hard work; at least it is for me. It is easy to be a bit selfish and want things done for me but I have to be intentional about doing things for my love–not just the every day things but step it up and do more.

I hope to really foster more respect for my beloved. After all, that is what the Bible requires of me. It doesn’t tell me to respect him if he earns it. It says that wives are to respect their own husbands, not love them. Men are to love their wives.

If you’ve been around my Marriage Monday blog posts for any length of time, you probably already know that I struggle with what respect looks like. This is not an easy task but I intend to be intentional about showing my man respect (whatever that is ;) ) one little thing at a time. I intend to focus on this one little kindness at a time.

Lori Byerly mentioned something similar about it being the little things that build up your husband and marriage in this short read. Hop on over and give it a read.

I hope you will consider how you can bless your marriage this year, one little action or word at a time.

Until next time, God bless,

 Michele ºÜº

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