Loving Through Frustration

Loving through Frustration ~ Lifeofjoy.meWhen you spend a lot of time with someone, there are bound to be times of frustration. The important thing is not to take things too seriously. If you are tired and sore and hot or whatever, odds are the other person (or people are) is as well, and that means that it is possible that someone will say or do something that frustrates the other. Really, don’t take offense at this! Give grace, as you would like to receive it as well, I’m sure (well, I know I do anyway).

This week, Mike, Sean, Tiffany, and I have the privilege of serving at the young adult conference. Mike and I will be in the kitchen but Sean and Tiffany will be wherever they are needed most. ;) It is going to be a wonderful time. We work well, as a team. Mike and Tiffany can almost read my thoughts as to what needs to be done.

It is a blessing to serve the body of Christ together. BUT, we already know, that there will be moments of frustration. We know not to take offense and not to get upset. It will all cool off very soon. :)

We’ve been getting prepared for conference for the last several days. Consequently, I’ve been on my feet quite a bit. This means that having worn my wedgie shoes to church yesterday, my feet swelled up. It wasn’t pretty. Thus when we finally got home after doing the final setup after lunch, I needed to park my behind in my recliner and keep my feet propped up. Well, everyone in this household was also tired and sore and in need of resting up for the coming week. So when I asked for Mike to get me some watermelon, he wasn’t very hip on the idea.

Loving Through Frustration ~ Lifeofjoy.meI will admit that I whined and was a bit sarcastic, which is my natural response to just about everything-the sarcasm not the whining. Then I just let it go, deciding that I didn’t need to have any. Just a short time later, Mike got up and got us some. It was yummy and sweet of him to do.

I guess what I’m trying to say is that we can still love even when frustrated. Be cautious not to say things out of frustration because you will probably be sorry for uttering them if you do. And if others say something, when they are frustrated, give them grace and try to think how you might feel or what you might say in their position.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº



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