Long Time Marriage

My parents celebrated 57 years together recently. What an accomplishment! Of course like most couples, they could have chosen to give up at any point, as I’m sure most couples could. They are committed to each other.

They’ve been retired for several years and are enjoying spending time with each other. Daddy always worked hard and long hours, so Momma was frequently alone. But now they are able to be together all the time. It’s a good thing they are best friends. :)

People are often amazed that my kids can have a big disagreement but can end it without hard feelings and still talking to each other and even still being friends. I dare say, it is true of this good marriage as well; I know it is true of my own marriage.

The way I see it, forgiveness, commitment, and and being friends with your spouse are three big keys to a long and happy marriage. It’s what I’ve seen in my parents and what I’ve experienced in my own 32-marriage as well.

Until next time,

Michele ºÜº

2 thoughts on “Long Time Marriage

  1. There was a popular Christian song years called Loves Not A Feeling. This is so true. When the first twinges of love start and u get married, and then life begins to enter into the equation, we need to have just more than those first feelings of love. Love is more than feelings. It is commitment and long suffering and forgiveness and being able to put things aside so bitterness and strife does not destroy what made u fall in love in the first place. And friendship, indeed, is important.

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