Is It Time For an Attitude Check?

Watch Your Words ~ LifeofJoy.meThis week I read an interesting article on Matthew Jacobson’s website about premarital intimacy. He made some points that were new to me. One thing he said was that the Bible tells us to be true to our spouse but it does not specify “after marriage.” We tend to think sequentially but God is outside of time, so it is possible that we could take the purity outside of time and recommend that single people keep themselves faithful to their spouses even before they have one. It’s an interesting thought, although a hard one to sell to young adults. ;)

31 Days to a Better Marriage

The first week of the 31 Days to a Better Marriage – Spring Edition is now complete. I think the post that encouraged me the most was A Tale of Two Marriages where the author pointed out the importance of the words we speak. I truly wish I would have had this information when Mike and I first got married instead of several years ago, because I would have done things differently. The best I can do now is to really put a guard over my mouth and let the words I speak be on the positive, no matter how I’m feeling about a situation. I used to believe that everyone needs someone that they can ‘unload’ their raw feelings to but I’m beginning to wonder if I have the proper relationship with God, then I should be able to pour all of that out to Him because He is the only one able to help the situation. If I am communing with my Father in heaven, the way I should be, then I should be able to unload on Him.

Truth is that I have done this in the past and have found that God is awesome. He corrects me when I’m wrong and I have even seen Him correct Mike without me opening my mouth to Mike at all about the situation! :)  So I encourage you, if you are frustrated with your beloved, go take some time to get alone with God and pour it all out to Him. He’s there ready, willing, and able to help you through it. Then honestly take a good look at your fellowship with God – have you been spending time with Him as you ought? Have you been reading the Bible? Have you been challenged recently in your spirituality? Get closer to God and watch how you will change and how your marriage will change for the better.

If I’m getting frustrated with everyone in the house, I am the common denominator and really need to stop and analyze myself and my actions. Odds are that I’m lacking in some part of my fellowship with God and it is causing me to see the worst in people or just have a bad attitude. When it is just a bad attitude, spending time worshiping God really helps set me straight and then putting worship music on, as loud as I need it to be, helps keep me there as I go about my duties.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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