Individual Happiness

Individual Happiness ~ Lifeofjoy.meIt is not my husband’s responsibility to make me happy. Seriously! It is my responsibility to choose happiness and to have a relationship with God wherein I find joy.

It is through my relationship with God that I learn how to serve my husband. I learn to give to him without expecting anything in return. Of course, he too, has a relationship with God and learns to serve me without expecting anything in return. In a Christian relationship, this is how things should work. Now I realize that it isn’t always the way it turns out but it is the best plan. We both give 100% to each other and our marriage.

I cannot expect anyone else to make me happy. When I wait for Mike to do something for me to be happy, I could be waiting a very long time. I have to take responsibility for myself. I cannot put my happiness in the hands of someone else. I have to find joy and contentment within myself and with God. Then it is easy to be happy in other relationships, because I start out from a place of happiness, not seeking it from some other person.

Then out of my joy I can invest in other relationships, in this case, the relationship I have with my husband. Too many times people go into marriage looking to be completed or be treated like a queen or princess. Marriage is about two people partnering together to walk through life together and do what God has called them to do. In the process, you learn that serving one another is a vital key to the kingdom of God and it begins at home, with me.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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