Holiday Preparation and Planning

Holiday Preparation and Planning ~ Lifeofjoy.meIt is hard to believe it is nearly September already. With September comes autumn. With autumn comes “the most wonderful time of the year,” also known as the holidays.

Many years ago, I found something called the Holiday Grand Plan. It is a plan for cleaning, organizing the home and planning for the holidays so that you aren’t rushing around during the holidays and can actually enjoy them in a clean home.

Lori Byerly of The Generous Wife, suggested yesterday that it is a good time to talk with your spouse about the holidays and make plans accordingly. This of course reminded me of the Holiday Grand Plan because in it are some discussions of this kind.

The kids were much younger at the time and things were a bit hectic back then with homeschooling and all. I loved asking the entire family what activities they enjoyed most during the holidays. I found it wasn’t something I needed to do yearly, if I kept my paperwork. :)

By having these conversations, included with the Holiday Grand Plan, you are blessing your marriage with not only a wonderful holiday season and a clean home, but with respect of your spouse and his desires as well. Too many times we just go through the holidays by the seat of our pants not really making plans but doing everything that comes along.

The year that Brian and Lauren were engaged we tried a new activity, painting/decorating Christmas cookies. This has turned out to be one activity that the entire family looks forward to each year, and as such, is one that the family requests to do annually.

You might wonder why I’m mentioning the Holiday Grand Plan now. Well, that is a simple question actually. :) It begins Sunday, August 28th!  By beginning so early, it gives you a nice gentle pace to accomplish all the activities and enjoy the holidays.

Well, I know I plan to go download the 2016 calendar Holiday Grand Plan very soon.

Until next time, God bless,
Michele ºÜº


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