High School for Your Teen

Different Learning Paths ~ Lifeofjoy.meAs children become teens, things get easier but also more complicated. Things get easier because your children should be responsible for much of their education now. They no longer need your full attention; they can be included in unit studies with younger siblings and go into further depth on their own. Your job turns from being actively involved in all their studies to that of a facilitator, guiding them and helping them when they need help.

Help your child determine what he/she wants to do with his/her future. Then help them formulate a plan to accomplish their goals. This may include dual credit courses, enrolling in the local vo-tech, or simply continuing on as you have been for high school credit.

With my boys, we continued on as we had been doing. They graduated and worked with their dad for a year or so and then attended the local vo-tech as adult students and then promptly got jobs in their chosen fields. So as you can see, there is no ONE way for everyone. What is right for one may be detrimental to another.

I recently read a very good article by another homeschooling mom about dual credit during high school. I hope you’ll click on over and read it. :)

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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