Have Fun

Have Fun ~ Lifeofjoy.meMike and I have fun together. We don’t go on dates often. We don’t get away alone overnight. Nor do we spend lots of money on each other. But we enjoy doing life together. That’s what we do. We do life together.

We laugh at ourselves. We show kindness to each other. And we forgive each other.

This doesn’t mean that we don’t get frustrated with each other. Not at all! But it means that we try to rectify the situation and then get over it quickly, not holding a grudge.

We laugh about stuff together. When one person does something goofy, we enjoy it and have fun with it.

What we don’t do is get all staunchy and act OLD, as if nothing matters to us anymore. ;) We still wrestle and play around with each other like we did when we were young. Oh, don’t get me wrong, there were years that things were not so easy going but I totally wish I had known what I know today, back when our children were young. I remember how full and tiring those days were but I wish we had been a bit more chill back then. I wish I had realized that taking a few minutes to refresh myself before he came home could right my attitude and make things go a bit more smoothly (and make me a happier mommy).

I guess what I’m saying is that having a good marriage is not dependent on whether or not you have a weekly date night, as long as you are still connecting one-on-one and making memories together. It is dependent on remembering why you got married in the first place and remember that you are living your your “happily ever after,” so act like it. ;)

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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