Handling Differences

Michael and I are very different. I like it cooler in the house and he likes it warmer. consequently I usually have a fan on me most of the time. ;) When it gets cold out, I love to keep it cooler in the house so I can actually bundle up and cover up with blankets.

I especially like our bedroom cooler so that we can snuggle for longer than a hot second. :D Of course Michael likes it warmer. The cold reminds him of bad memories but I try to give him lots of good memories in the cold. ;)

Of course, sometimes our temperature preferences causes things to get a bit heated. ;) But I’m trying to remind myself give and take–not to pull too hard for my way.

Michael is an early bird and I’m a night owl. Most of our lives I have gone to bed at the same time as he has and gotten up within a half hour. Of course then I was homeschooling the kids, so getting to bed and up and busy was a good thing. But as I’m aging, my body clock is changing; I no longer need as much sleep. These days I go to bed a bit later most nights and still get up about the same time as before. However, when it is cold and a night when he doesn’t have to get up early the next morning, he’ll stay up with me.

How do you handle differences? Do you use it as an opportunity to love on each other? Give each other grace? I’m learning to be a bit more gracious and giving. :)

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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