Food and Marriage

Food and Marriage ~ Lifeofjoy.meSo many things work together to make a marriage good. Even the food you serve plays a part in it.

Yes, food. If you don’t give food much thought, you may end up eating junk food or eating out more than is healthy for you and your family. But with the proper planning, you can nourish your family at home.

A key to being able to fix good meals at home is planning. Yep, that means to make a meal plan. There are many services available these days that you can subscribe to and will give you a menu plan with a corresponding shopping list but you don’t have to do that. Menu plans can really be as simple as a list of recipes you currently make and just go through them one by one or maybe it is easier for you to think of it by having a type of meal per night: breakfast for dinner, Italian, Mexican, Hamburgers (fixed many different ways), Pizza Night, Chicken Night, or even Hors d’oeuvres Night.

In preparation to begin to menu plan, you can simply write down what you eat every day for a couple of weeks, then you can use that list for ideas to create your menu plan for a week. If you ate out, what did you eat out? Chicken? But one in the crockpot instead. Tacos? Make them at home. Steak? Grill it.

When you menu plan you tend to save money because you don’t just impulse buy throughout the store when you shop. You also have less stress because you already know what you will have for dinner throughout the week.

A menu plan is a tool for you to use, not something to which you are a slave. If the menu says that you are having Lasagna on Tuesday night but you have a busier day than usual and won’t be up to making Lasagna but can throw together Thursday’s planned hamburgers and bag salad much more easily, then switch it up.

Once you make a menu plan, write out your grocery list based on those recipes. I like to keep a marker board on my refrigerator to note things we run out of or will need to purchase on the next grocery run. Then when I make my grocery list, I add those items from the marker board to the grocery list.

You can even do this if you work outside of the home; I imagine it is even more needful because of your busy lifestyle.

Planning your food benefits your health and helps to eliminate some of the stressors that can easily be in a marriage. Oh, and be sure to add in some of your hubby’s favorites, that’s good for your marriage too. ;)

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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