Eggs and Hash

Low-Carb veggies for breakfast! Simple, quick, and filling breakfast of eggs and zucchini.

This recipe is hardly a recipe at all but if you eat eggs several mornings every week, it can get boring to have them the same way every day. This is one way to have them and if you like a runny yolk, you can have your lovely over-easy eggs on top and let that yolk run onto the hash. Mmmm mmmm!

Now, I failed to take pictures of cutting the zucchini but it is really easy. I cut a small/medium zucchini into 4 slices down the length of the zucchini. Then cut eat slab into about 4 strips. Then cut those strips into small little cubes. :)

Put it in a skillet with a bit of coconut oil.Zucchini Hash ~ Lifeofjoy.meSeason as desired. I only used a bit of salt and a tiny bit of pepper.

Cook until desired doneness.

Zucchini for Breakfast ~ Lifeofjoy.meThere is a lot here because I did enough for Tiffany and I, so that was 4 zucchini.

Cook your eggs. If you are only cooking for yourself, move the zucchini to on side of the pan and cook two eggs on the other side, however you like them best.

I like my eggs over medium and Tiffany likes hers scrambled and well done.

Fried Eggs ~ Lifeofjoy.meNo, that is not a pancake! It is how Tiffany likes her scrambled eggs cooked.

Place on top of cooked zucchini.

Eggs on Zucchini ~

Add some nutritional yeast for a nice cheesy taste and lots of vitamins. (It took me a eating the nutritional yeast a few times before I warmed up to it and tasted it as cheesy, so give it a few tries.)

Eggs and Hash ~ Lifeofjoy.meThis one is so simple I hesitate to write up the recipe but here goes.

Eggs and Hash


  • 2 zucchini, diced
  • coconut oil
  • 2 eggs
  • salt, pepper, and nutritional yeast (optional)


  1. Put a little coconut oil in your pan or spray it with oil instead.
  2. Add zucchini.
  3. Season as desired, I used some salt and a bit of pepper.
  4. Cook, cook, cook, until desired tenderness/brownness
  5. Move the zucchini to the side and cook 2 eggs on the other side of the pan, as desired.
  6. Place zucchini hash on plate and top with cooked eggs.
  7. Sprinkle with nutritional yeast for a nice cheesy taste, with lots of vitamins.

I hope this recipe gets you out of your egg rut. ;)

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

PS. I got this recipe from Trim Healthy Mama, just gotta give credit where credit is due. ;)

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