Cute Free Game: Island Saver

Tiffany found this cute game for play on the Switch a few weeks ago. There are 3 free levels and then there is a fourth level you can purchase for ?$5.99? I think. I have since discovered that it is also available on xbox one, ps4, and steam. :)

I like cutesy games and don’t generally like propaganda. ;) This is a very colorful game and gave me several hours of enjoyment.

In this game you are the bionaut and are tasked with cleaning up the trash that has landed on the island. As you remove the recyclable trash and wash (by shooting water) the goop off, you are rewarded with doubloons (a.k.a. money) and gray bankimals that arrive on the island. As the bankimals eat the fruits of the local vegetation, they process it into doubloons and they get full (they are a bank-animal) and you then help them by removing the money and they spew out the money and turn vibrant colors. :)

Since you can only hold so many items at once, you quickly need to open a bank account, complete with self-made pin. :)

The game teaches about money, banking, interest, and even taxes.

As you shoot the recyclables into the machine, it will fill up and eventually have to be emptied. You then get a tax coin from the tax machine and shoot it into the recycle center, which will then take off and land a few seconds later, empty and ready to receive more trash.

There are bankimals you can befriend and ride.

It’s a really cute and enjoyable game that even touches on loans, loan sharks, and foreign exchange/exchange rates.

There are even hats you can buy to put on your animals and paintballs to change their color combinations. If desired, you can collect the fruit from the plants and sell them to make money to buy more paint and hats. :)

I was quite surprised with this game and recommend it. (I am not compensated for this review, nor did I receive anything — I simply played the game and saw its value.)

As I was trying to spell certain names for this post, I found that the creators of the game have a website with activity sheets. They also have more financial learning help on the rest of the site. I haven’t looked it over very closely though, it seems good from what I have seen.

I hope this is helpful to you and your family.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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