Cubine, Flukes, and Tortuca

This week I am once again following the prompt from Today’s Tangle: Keeping it Classic. The string was simply five diagonal lines. I chose flukes and cubine because they are very similar and might be able to flow easily together. I then chose Tortuca which really just looks like Printemp to me, with a filled loopy center.

Here is my tile before blackening in any the squares of flukes and cubine.

Here it is in natural light.

Next I blackened in the smallest squares of flukes and cubine and added shading.

Here it is in natural light.

I’m not really happy with the shading on the lower tortuca but overall I’m quite pleased with it. It was nice that the sun cooperated but boy was it hot!

I was glad it was an easy prompt this week. It was nice to do some tangling but just as nice that it didn’t take a whole lot of time. :) I’ve been reading Undetected by Dee Henderson and wanted to finish it up before I did any tangling. (I enjoyed the book, by the way.)

That’s all I have for today. I hope you have a good week. I know mine will be better when the temperatures drop again. ;) Thanks for stopping by.

Until next time,

Michele ºÜº

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