Clean Bedroom Challenge

Clean Bedroom Challenge ~ Lifeofjoy.meRecently Mike and I got rid of a huge pile of paperwork that has been in our master bedroom for quite some time. It is such a relief to have it removed.

I have been meaning to declutter my dresser and closet for some time but I am challenging myself to do it over the next several weeks. I am told that a clutter-free room enables a better more restful sleep.

I’ve recently, within the last three or four months, have started making my bed within the first few minutes of getting up each morning. It helps make the room much tidier and more inviting. I’ve also been getting dressed first thing each morning rather than after they guys head out for work. It seems to make a difference in me being more productive.

I read an article once about how God corrected the author’s attitude about cleaning the master bed linens. It’s a good short read. There’s this other article about 10 Ways to Create a Romantic Bedroom.

I’m not going to keep rambling about it. I hope you will accept the clean bedroom challenge, if yours has gotten a bit cluttered and consider making your bed every morning when your feet touch the floor. :)

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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