Blessing Through Frustration

Blessing Him ~ Lifeofjoy.meThere are times that you see things you’d like to change in your spouse. Rest assured, you cannot change him! The absolute best thing you can do is to pray. I know! That seems like it is just not enough. It seems like that won’t make any difference but trust me, it will!

Did you know that when you do something nice, out of the ordinary, for someone that it does something to you? Well, it does to me at least. I have this friend that when he is upset with someone, I mean really upset or doesn’t like them at the time, God will have him bless that person by paying for something for them. :D It is similar to praying blessings on the person only taken a step further by you being a blessing to the person.

So, the next time your beloved frustrates you, find something nice to do for him. It could be offer to get him a drink, rub or scratch his back, make his favorite food, or even flirt with him. Then take a moment and pray about that situation. Ask God to change you if you are wrong and change him if he is. Seriously! It could very well be that you are the one that needs more change than he does. I hate to admit that but unfortunately it is true. That is really how I pray it too. “God, he is really frustrating me right now. Change me if I am wrong and change him if he is wrong.”

It is hard to show him respect when you think he is wrong but we don’t really have a choice. The Bible tells us women to reverence/respect our husbands. It tells them to love us. We need love so that is what we try to give them, all to often. But what they need is respect. I’m still learning all this, even after nearly thirty years. Of course, I didn’t know in the beginning what I’ve learned in the last five years or so, which is why I share it here, to help others get it earlier in their marriage. (For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn is a good book to learn about how to respect your hubby.)

I’ll leave you with the reminder to look for ways to bless your man each day. :)

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº


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